Sighthound Specialty Show 12.11.2021

12.11.2021. Latvian Sighthound Club Specialty Dog Show

For FCI Group X and Pharaoh, Ibizian Hound and Cirneco dell`Etna from FCI Group V


Due to the lockdown in progress, the show is cancelled. Everyone, who paid for registration through bank transfers, please contact us, to arrange refunds.

Place of event

Dino Zoo Pasaule, Krasta iela 52, Riga, LV-1003

The judges

Tuula Savolainen, Finland
Show committee keeps the right to change the judges if necessary.

Time schedule and number of participants in each breed

November 12, 2021 (Friday) at 16:00


Reģistrācija uz izstādi, sakarā ar pandēmijas izraisīto nestabilo situāciju, TIKAI ar garantijas vēstulēm.

  LKF biedriem Foreign participants
1.suns (nākamais) Kucēni / veterāni konkursi (next) Baby / puppy / veteran competitions
Līdz 05.11.2021 18 (16) euro 9 (7) euro 6 euro 30 (25) euro 15 (10) euro 10 euro

Lithuanian and Estonian Sighthounds club members
(reģistrējoties pievienojiet kluba biedra karti kopā ar garantijas vēstuli):
  Adult dog Baby / puppy / veteran Competitions
Līdz 05.11.2021 21 (20) euro 10 euro 10 euro

For veterans more than 10 years old participation FREE OF CHARGE!!!

Registration deadline: 28.10.2021.


Show committee keeps the right to change the judge if necessary.

Veterinary regulation:
All the entered dogs must be clinically healthy. Dog must have veterinary passport with valid vaccination against rabies. All dogs should have ID - number (microchip).

Bitches in season or sick, raging, maimed dogs and lactating bitches or bitches on heat can not participate at the show! If dog becomes sick or season for the bitch starts until the first day of the Show, exhibitor can receive back 75% of the entry fee if he presents or sends official veterinary certificate issued till the first day of the Show to organizators of the show before a show or till the end of a Dog Show.

ATTENTION! The dog-show will be held in green mode!

Prerequisites for participation in the dog-show held on green safety mode – RECOVERED or VACCINATED!

► Entry only for people presenting a valid interoperable EU Digital Covid-19 Certificate attesting to the fact of vaccination or recovery and an identity document a passport or an ID card.

If you have any questions, please contact us at