Карин Хедберг, Швеция
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Presentation of Karin Hedberg, Sweden. Judging appointment at Latvian Sighthound and Coursing Specialty Show, Tukuma (Durbe Castle), Latvia, 2022.08.13.
I have owned Salukis since 1972 and bred my first litter of Saluki puppies in 1977. My prefix is Kashmani. My most recent litter was born in 2018. I have also owned a Whippet and I did own and breed Shetland Sheepdogs. Today I have two Salukis at home: C.I.B. Nord Ch Amiyat Dantooine, born 2015, who has been very successful at shows in several countries, and home-bred Swedish Lure Coursing Ch Kashmanis Zaquira Zahab, born in 2018.
I was licensed by the FCI and the Swedish Kennel Club to judge Salukis in 2002, followed by Whippets and Shetland Sheepdogs. In 2009 I was appointed Group 10 allrounder. I’m also licensed to judge the so called Mediterranian breeds, and an additional number of breeds in FCI groups 1, 5 and 9.
I have judged in the Nordic countries as well as in many other European countries, including at prestigious shows like Donaueschingen in Germany, and I have also judged in the USA, Australia and Canada.
I look very much forward to judge at your show!
Stockholm 2022.01.19